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7 foods that are good for your eyes

We all know that the key to a healthy lifestyle is regular exercise and a balanced diet, right? But when it comes to maintaining your eye health, what you eat can also play a huge role in protecting your peepers from harmful eye conditions down the line. To keep your eyes safe and comfortable, in addition to wearing contact lenses and using eye drops, our in-house opticians have made the ultimate menu of the best foods.


Yes, the rumours are true - carrots are good for your eyes! It's the high contents of carotenoids, (yellow, orange and red pigments), such as beta-carotene, which are present in carrots, that help to keep your eyes healthy. Also found in other veggies like bell peppers/red peppers and sweet potatoes, these carotenoids are converted into vitamin A - an essential factor for improving the health of your cornea and retina. Plus, carrots can help decrease your risk of vision loss from age-related macular degeneration (AMD) while improving your visual acuity. But do carrots help you see in the dark? Not exactly. A lack of vitamin A can contribute to a condition known as 'night blindness', so in a way, eating carrots can help avoid this.


Fresh fatty fish like sardines, anchovies, trout and salmon are a must for healthy eyes, given the high levels of omega-3 fatty acids that they contain. Acids like this are crucial when it comes to fighting off all types of nasty eye conditions like conjunctivitis and general age-related eye diseases, such as glaucoma, AMD, cataracts and retinopathy. Contact lens wearers with dry eyes will also benefit from the moisture-boosting vitamin E present in salmon, and a grilled serving (hold that unhealthy batter!) 2 to 3 times a week, is sure to do the trick.


A kiwi a day will keep the optometrist or eye doctor away! Similarly to citrus fruits (oranges, apricots, cantaloupe, grapefruit and mangos) that are high in vitamin C or ascorbic acid, kiwis feature powerful antioxidant properties. These properties are excellent for elevating your overall eye health. And, they specifically contribute to healthy blood vessels and muscles surrounding your eyeballs by producing collagen. Why not mix things up by adding some chopped kiwis to a fruit salad or a breakfast smoothie for healthy eyes?

Nuts & seeds

It's not just seafood that's sufficiently packed with omega-3 fatty acids. Hazelnuts, peanuts, and walnuts, along with flaxseed, sunflower seeds and chia seeds are all great sources of these oils. Even better, many nuts and seeds encompass a beneficial blend of vitamin E, C and zinc - the top tier essentials for eye health that help protect the surrounding cells. Whether you have them as a snack during the day or sprinkle them over a salad, a handful will go a long way, reducing the risk of cataracts or eye problems related to the macula (the centre of the retina).


Your eyes love leafy greens, and the more you can pile onto your plate, the healthier they'll look and feel. We're talking about kale, celery and of course, spinach. Each of these veggies contains 2 ultra-important antioxidants, zeaxanthin and lutein, which can also be found in egg yolks and play a major role in banishing cataracts, glaucoma and dry eyes. In fact, the macula stores them to help protect your eyes from damaging UV rays or forms of blue light.


Although small in size, berries are another type of powerful antioxidant, as well as being rich in vitamin C. They also contain flavonoids - natural pigments that help to slow down the ageing of your eyes cells. Strawberries are exceptionally useful given that they can soothe swelling under your eyes and remove under-eye bags - hooray! Whereas, blueberries work as anti-inflammatories and help to lower high blood pressure. As raspberries, mulberries and cranberries also promise a plethora of positive properties, increasing your overall berry intake is the way to go.


A basic in many households, milk is a highly favourable liquid food for your eyes. Rich in vitamin A, which as we've mentioned is crucial for eye care and health, milk helps to strengthen the conjunctiva, the membrane that covers the inside of the eyelid and the eyeball. It can also reduce your risk of cataracts in the future and opting for low-fat over full cream milk will prevent a build-up of plaque in the eye's blood vessels. If you're not a fan of milk, dairy alternatives like yoghurt are also filled with similar nutrients.

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