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Modern Anti Slavery Statement

Vision Direct carefully considers the impact that our business practices have on the world around us. Through dialogue with local stakeholders, sustainable purchasing strategies, ethical business practices and a strong respect for human rights we aim to contribute positively to society.

Boosting local economies

Vision Direct provides eye care solutions to customers around the world through a number of local websites. We also create meaningful jobs and careers in the countries we operate in, promoting direct and indirect financial benefits.

Through our guiding principles and values we work closely with our local stakeholders in an honest, fair and transparent manner.

Sustainable sourcing and purchasing

We make determined efforts to ensure our environmental and social impact is positive. Our sourcing and procurement policy is closely aligned with that of Essilor Luxottica - our parent company. View the Essilor statement for more information.

Through a supplier charter we follow sustainable purchasing policies, this charter informs us which partners are aligned with our values and ethos. We use this, alongside regular supplier evaluations, to ensure that the companies we work with are aligned with our efforts.

Respecting human rights

Operating with suppliers across the globe means human right enforcement laws differ from those we adhere to in Europe. We take our standards very seriously and ensure our partners follow these shared principles and adhere to our policies and practices.

Ethical Practices

As a global business, it's important that we constantly monitor local social and environmental regulations and any changes to the socio political climate of the regions we serve.

Our worldwide business activities and social responsibility obligates us to actively counter corruption and fraud if we encounter it. This means we must remain especially vigilant in geographic regions which it’s more prevalent in. As an Essilor Luxottica company we abide by a group-wide corruption risk prevention system, which our employees are trained in. We follow local regulations and Essilor Luxottica’s principles and values as a guide to act ethically at all times.

The Essilor Luxottica Group follows a policy of sustainable growth. As a leader in our industry we must be closely compliant with competition rules and avoid conflicts of interest where possible.